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Medical Knowledge

Risk Prevention


Reduce the risk of surgical wound infections with disposable surgical gowns

Disposable surgical clothing reduces risks in the OR.

Risk Prevention

sala de operação

Enhance teamwork in the operating room

Team training can minimize human error and increase patient safety

Risk Prevention

Tesoura cirúrgica

CPT – Individual solutions for operating rooms

Risk Prevention


Increased patient safety in and around the operating room

Perioperative morbidity and mortality still exist despite advances in surgical care.

Risk Prevention


Pursuant to the provisions of Decree-Law No. 145/2009, of June 17, and Deliberation No. 515/2010, hereby certifies the Director of the Inspection and Licensing Department of INFARMED, IP the notification of the exercise of WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION activity of medical devices under the terms communicated to this authority, as per the application submitted by RYBONE LDA., NIPC515326941.CERTIFICATE No. 056/DM/2020/V01/2020


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