Rybone is a Portuguese company, with share capital and national administration, having been created on March 4, 2019, with the aim of supporting some of the commercial areas that were lacking in the small group of existing companies.
Designed with 3 different types of CAE's, Rybone enters the international market, as a consultant, always based on its distinct connection to the medical field.
Due to the current state of the world associated with COVID-19, we realized the need and opportunity to anticipate the launch of the medical field, with wholesale distribution.
In May 2020, we launched our range of Medical Devices products to the current market.
Thus assigning the medical field the sub-name Rybone Medical.
Our company, was registered and approved as a distributor of Medical Devices, by the Competent National Authority, the INFARMED, with certificate No. 056/DM/2020/V01/2020.

Our customer's satisfaction and success are the principle and priority by which our company Rybone is governed.
The partnership with Manufacturers with high quality products attached to the current developments of the new and most recent technologies, are an attribute of our natural selection, in favor of our client.
Focused on the wholesale distribution of medical devices in the Iberian Peninsula, acquired through a wide portfolio of products imported directly from Manufacturers from several countries inside and outside Europe.